15A NCAC 10H .1406      Forms for captivity licenses

(a)  Individuals interested in obtaining a captivity license for rehabilitation shall apply to the Commission using the Captivity License for Rehabilitation Form available at www.ncwildlife.org. Information required by the applicant shall include:

(1)           The applicant's name, mailing address, residence address, telephone number, and date of birth;

(2)           The facility site address;

(3)           Any organizational affiliation, if applicable;

(4)           The categories of wild animals and wild birds to be rehabilitated;

(5)           A copy of a valid Federal Migratory Bird Permit, if applicable;

(6)           The name and signature of mentor, if applicable; and

(7)           Certification of at least 12 hours of rehabilitation related training, if applicable.

(b)  Individuals interested in obtaining a captivity license for holding shall apply to the Commission using the Captivity License for Holding Form available at www.ncwildlife.org. Information supplied by the applicant shall include:

(1)           The Applicant's name, mailing address, residence address, telephone number, and date of birth;

(2)           The facility site address;

(3)           Any organizational affiliation, if applicable;

(4)           The species information including quantity and source for all animals to be held; and

(5)           The purpose for holding animals in captivity.

(c)  Individuals requesting a transportation permit for non-farmed cervids shall apply to the Commission using the Non-farmed Cervid Transportation Form available at www.ncwildlife.org. Information supplied by the applicant shall include:

(1)           The applicant's name, mailing address, residence address, and telephone number;

(2)           The facility site address;

(3)           The captivity license number;

(4)           The species and sex of each non-farmed cervid transported;

(5)           The tag number(s) for each non-farmed cervid transported;

(6)           The date of transportation;

(7)           The vehicle or trailer license plate number and state of issuance of the vehicle or trailer used to transport the non-farmed cervid;

(8)           The name, address, county and phone number of the destination facility to which the non-farmed cervid will be transported;

(9)           The symptoms for which the non-farmed cervid requires veterinary treatment, if applicable;

(10)         The date of slaughter, if applicable;

(11)         The name and location of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture Diagnostic lab where the head of the non-farmed cervid is to be submitted for CWD testing, if applicable.

(d)  Individuals rehabilitating white-tailed deer fawns or elk calves shall record the following information on the White-tailed Deer Fawn / Elk Calf Rehabilitation Activity Form available at www.ncwildlife.org:

(1)           The captivity license number;

(2)           The date of acceptance;

(3)           The species and sex;

(4)           The tag number;

(5)           The disposition; and

(6)           The date and location of release, if applicable.

(e)  Individuals rehabilitating rabies species shall record the following information on the Rabies Species Rehabilitation Activity Form available at www.ncwildlife.org:

(1)           The captivity license number;

(2)           The date of acceptance;

(3)           The species and sex;

(4)           The location of origin, if known;    

(5)           The disposition; and

(6)           The date of transfer to other appropriately licensed captivity license holder, if applicable; or

(7)           The date and location of release, if applicable.

(f)  Individuals holding species under a Captivity License for Holding, for educational and exhibition purposes shall record the following information on the Captivity License for Holding Education and Exhibition Form available at www.ncwildlife.org:

(1)           The captivity license number;

(2)           The date of educational or exhibition activity;

(3)           The species and numbers of wild animals or wild birds used in the educational or exhibition activity;

(4)           The organization or group involved in the educational or exhibition activity; and

(5)           The description of educational or exhibition activity, if applicable;

(g)  All forms shall be signed, dated, and submitted to the Wildlife Resources Commission with applicable fees mandated by G.S. 113-272.5 and G.S. 113-270.1B.


History Note:        Authority G.S. 106-549.97(b); 113-134; 113-272.5; 113-274;

Eff. January 1, 2020.